Breaking The Silence (Advocacy Video)

Dinuel Dela Cruz

  Explaining the crucial role of whistleblower policies, this video advocates for the establishment of safe and anonymous channels for reporting corruption without fear of retaliation. By breaking the silence, we can collectively demand change and foster a culture of integrity.

The Ripple Effect (Advocacy Video)

Philip Jules Reyes

  Emphasizing the importance of education, this video promotes the integration of anti-corruption topics into the curriculum to empower students with the knowledge to identify and combat corruption and witness how corruption affects everyday lives, from inflated prices to substandard services. This video also illustrates the far-reaching consequences of corruption on communities and economies.

Transparency And Hope (Advocacy Video)

Emerald M. Guieb

  This advocacy video aims to inform and encourage the youth to become a responsible citizen that helps combat corruption.

Youth is the hope of the nation.

  Ending with a strong call to action, this video urges viewers to join the fight against corruption. It emphasizes the importance of collective effort in building a fairer, more transparent society.

So, let’s come together to make our community a better place for us and for the next generations.

Anti Corruption

Ladies and gentlemen,

Corruption is a plague that undermines the very foundation of our societies. It erodes trust in institutions, stifles economic growth, and perpetuates inequality. Today, We stand before you to advocate for a united and relentless fight against corruption, a fight that must be waged on all fronts by every citizen, organization, and government.


Informing the youth about the impact of corruption in every individuals life.


International Anti-Corruption Day is being celebrated annually on the 9th of December

  Fighting corruption is not an easy task, but it is essential for the health and prosperity of our societies. It requires a concerted effort from all sectors—government, private sector, civil society, and citizens. Let us commit to creating a culture of integrity and transparency, where corruption is not tolerated, and accountability is the norm. Together, we can build a future where justice and fairness prevail, and where every individual has the opportunity to thrive.

“Corruption is a cancer, a cancer that eats away a citizen’s faith in democracy and diminishes the instinct for innovation and creativity”